Divorce Law: Blame Game
The absence of no-fault divorce in England and Wales looks updated.
People stay in loveless marriages for many reasons: anxiety about the impact of splitting up on their children; financial dependency on a spouse; fear of loneliness.
Tini Owens is stuck in hers because a judge refused to give her a divorce.
Tini Owens困在自己的婚姻里,因为法官拒绝判她离婚。

She said that her husband's treatment of her, including scolding her in front of their housekeeper and ignoring her over a meal, amounted to unreasonable behaviour, grounds for divorce.
The judge, however, disagreed, saying they were “minor altercations…to be expected in a marriage”.
Since her husband has refused to consent to the break-up, she must wait five years.
Ms Owens has asked the Court of Appeal to overturn the ruling.
Her position would be simpler if England and Wales did not insist on blame being part of divorce.
As well as unreasonable behaviour, marital breakdown can be demonstrated by evidence of adultery or desertion.
The alternative is at least two years' separation.
But the notion of fault is often little more than a charade.
Kerstin Beyer, a family lawyer, cites a case where the “unreasonable” behaviour involved the wife pursuing an “independent social life”.
家庭律师Kerstin Beyer有案例为证,即”不合理”行为涉及妻子追求”独立的社会生活”。
Insisting that somebody must be to blame makes an already difficult process harder.
This week Lord Wilson, a Supreme Court judge, added his voice to those calling for “no-fault” divorce.
Others in favour include Sir James Munby, president of the family division of the High Court, Lady Hale, another Supreme Court justice, most of those working in family law and organisations such as Relate, a charity that provides relationship counselling.
其他赞成的人还有高等法院家事庭主席James Munby先生,和另一位最高法院法官Hale女士,他们中的大多数和婚姻家庭法打交道,并在一些相关组织工作,比如Relate——一个提供情感咨询的慈善机构。