So what I did was I scrolled down to the bottom of the email, and I pressed, "Unsubscribe."
And I thought that'd be the end of it. But a week later, I got another one that said,
"Just two weeks until SafeMart at King's Cross opens!!!"
And I thought, obviously, I haven't clicked hard enough.
So I tried it again. Right? Lo and behold, a week passes, you guessed it,
"Just one week until SafeMart at King's Cross opens!!!"
“还有一周,安全超市 即将在国王十字路口开张啦!!!”

And here's the problem: The internet gave us access to everything; but it also gave everything access to us.
It's hard enough to discriminate between the things that genuinely matter in this world and the minutiae of life,
without having emails about supermarket chains and Candy Crush Saga.
And I was really annoyed with them, and I thought, OK, I was about to write a strongly worded email, which I can do quite well.
And I thought, no -- I'm going to find the game. So I replied to it, and I said, "I literally cannot wait!!!!"
"What do you need from me?"
They got back to me; a guy called Dan said, "Hi James. I've asked a colleague to help me with your query."
一个叫Dan的人给我回复了,写道:“你好 James。我就你的问题向我的同事咨询了一下。”