In the past two weeks, twenty five millions people have watch our next guest adorably, emotional baby
过去几周 两百五十万人看了我们的下一位来宾 可爱而多愁善感的宝宝
this is YouTube video. I don't know if you see it, but take a look
这就是油管上的视频 不知道你们看了没一起看看吧
you don't know how strong my weakness is or how much hurts me
"你不知道我有多脆弱" "亲爱的 你不知道我被伤的多深"
'Cause when you say its ove with her I want to believe its truth
"因为当你我分手 你跟她离开" "我不愿相信这个事实"
So I let you in knowing tomorrow I'm going to wake up missing you wake up missing you
"所以 我只能任你离开" "我每天从醒来就在想你" "我每天从醒来就在想你"
From Viitaha, Canada. Please welcome Valentine family
他们来自加拿大 维塔哈 掌声有请瓦罗格瑞一家

she is always responsing the music this way how is that started just this one song, yeah
她是不是一直这样 听伤感音乐就哭 怎么开始的呢 就只是这一首歌
It started, umm, at home I always sing to her at the top of my lungs.
开始是在家里 我就大着嗓门唱给她听
Cause nobody's in the house, and she doesn't judge me, so, haha
因为家里没人 而她又不会说我唱歌难听
and, em,yeah,the height is playing on sounder radio, and
恩 音响在放着歌
Sara Evans's song, My Heart Can't Tell You No is playing, and I started to sing along with it
莎拉 亚当的歌 我们以前表演过的 我就跟着一起唱了
and she started to wipe up the tears and I felt that it's flu, I mean
然后她开始流眼泪 我以为那是因为感冒
I don't know,.and then,it started playing I sing, a few days later played again, once again it started to sing along with it
我也说不好了 然后 又过了几天 我又放了那首歌 又跟着唱了
she actually started reacting same way, so I told my husband "It's unbelievable,yous got to see it."
她真的又哭了 然后 我就告诉了我老公 真是难以置信 你一定要看看
I filmed it, to proof it, because he unbelieve me
然后我就录下来了 因为他之前不相信我说的
it's, it's just that one song? yeah, just that one song yeah Wow, how is it make you feel like…
就是那一首歌吗对 就那一首 恩 你对此的感受是什么
Do you sing to her as well, Erll? No,I cannot sing what's ever, I can play music
艾尔 你也唱歌给她听吗 没有 我不会唱歌 不过 我会演奏乐器恩
when it cuts the singing, I cannot hit the right note at all for me, it's actually amazing
唱歌的时候 我总是找不着调 但是 对我来说 这件事真的太神奇了
Cause we're from north of Toronto eight hours' drive from Toronto, and to be here in Los Angel
因为 我们来自 多伦多北部 大概花了8小时开车从多伦多来到洛杉矶
it happens so quickly, you know, it's amazing, it actually amazing
这一切发生的太快了 真的很神奇 太神奇了
so, if you sing to her, did you try to this only today yeah,we do
那 如果你给她唱歌 你今天之前有唱过试试吗 恩 唱了
Did she distracted? she did, yeah.I think because of the camera
是因为她注意力不集中吗恩 对 我觉得是因为摄像机太多了
but I can give it a shoot it's too distracting. yeah
但是 我可以再试试 环境太陌生了 恩
she is definitely very intelligence. I mean, what a good baby
她当然非常有天赋了 看看 多乖多可爱的宝宝啊
I mean, most babies would really be looking at everything else and kind of overwell
我是说 大多宝宝都会四处张望 然后不知所措
but, she is actually pay attention to... she had a lot of extraordinary diet so
不过 她就全神贯注地 其实 她这几天有很多新习惯
Let me… May I… add that, she watches your show all the time all the time. my guy, she is telligence, I said it
让我 允许我说点别的 她其实一直在看你的节目 一直在看 她很有天赋 正如我所说过的那样
em, even, I work at day shift, I work night shift I am a underground miners.
恩 因为 我要上白班还要上夜班 我是名井下矿工
and, em,we have a PTR at home,so… yeah,we watch your show really justly.
我们家里有个PTR 我们定期收看你的节目
thank, thank you we do love you, quite… like… really really do thank you……thank you
哈哈哈 谢谢谢谢我们很喜欢你 真的真的很喜欢你 谢谢 节目很精彩 谢谢
so, do you want to try to sing, and see what happens. I think she is feeling distracted.
那 你要不要再唱一下看看 不过 大概她现在注意力不够集中
in that imaging,but we can try it ok I well give it a try ok
毕竟是很陌生的环境 不过 何妨一试呢好的 我来试试好了 好的
I don't want to come around here no more I beg you for mercy
"我不想再见到你了" "我祈求你有点同情心"
you don't know how strong my weakness is or how much it hurts me
"你不知道我有多脆弱" "不懂我被伤的多深"
Cause when you say it's ove with her. I want to believe its truth
"因为当你说 一切都结束了" "跟她走了 我不愿相信这个事实"
so I let you in knowing tomorrow I'm gonna wake up missing you
"所以 我让你赶紧离开" "别再推迟到以后" "我每天从醒来就在想你"
wake up missing you when the one you love's in love you someone else
"我每天从醒来就开始想你" "彷徨惆怅" "看着你爱着" "另一个人"
She thinks, I cry for that song so many times.
她肯定在想 我为这首歌哭了太多次了
All right. well,listen, thank you for being here.
好了 是这样 感谢你们过来参加节目
And, one thing that we wanne do, cause it's freezing where you live,right?
我们想为你们做点事 你们那边很冷吧是的
So we want to send you someplace warm.
特别冷 所以我们想送你们去个温暖点的地方
And we gonne send you, you gonne spend seven nights in Meaware, Hawaii.
Are you serious? I'm serious. go in spa,relaxing beach, and surely power ball
你说真的啊 你说真的吗 可以做水疗 去沙滩 也可以打沙滩排球
Are you serious? yeah oh, my god it's gonna be very warm. oh, my god.
你说真的啊对啊 我的天呐 那里肯定非常暖和
It's my first time out of the county coming here.
Really? yeah, this is my first time out of the country.
真的吗对 这是我第一次出国 我从没有出过国
Well,come back here and see it if you want, and enjoy your Hawaii.
那你随时可以过来玩 还有夏威夷度假愉快
And, just so nice meeting you, really, she is so precious.
然后 非常非常开心认识你们一家 真的 她真是个珍贵的宝贝
You're fantastic. thank you so much. we will be right back.
你们都很了不起 谢谢 非常感谢我们稍后回来