Hey, you know how I like to sometimes go through your Facebook pages and
大家都知道 我有时候喜欢浏览你们的脸书
show you embarrassing photos that you post?
Don't worry, I'm not gonna do that.
别担心 我不会那样的
Instead, I'm gonna let your friends do it.
不过 我要让你们的朋友来做
I asked some audience members to bring in photos of their friends without them knowing it.
It's a segment called, I Thought You Were My Friend.
这个部分叫做 我还一直把你当朋友
All right, Lisa Gardner. Where are you, Lisa Gardner? Hi, Lisa. Hello.
好的 丽萨 贾徳娜 你在哪 丽萨 贾徳娜 丽萨 你好 你好
How you doing? Good. You're here with your mama, Sylvia, right? Yes. Yep.
你怎么样 不错啊 你跟你妈妈西尔薇亚一起来的 对吧 恩 对 是的啊
So, mother-daughter bond, that's supposed to be a very special bond.
那 母女组应该是个很特别的组合了

Right? Uh oh. Sylvia, do you consider Lisa your friend? She's my friend.
对吧 呃 是吧 西尔维亚 你有把丽萨当做你朋友吗 她是我的朋友
Well, you may consider something different after this. Maybe.
好 看过这个 你就不一定还这么想了 也许吧
Do you have hobbies, Sylvia? Like cooking, or knitting, or tennis, or strip clubs?
西尔维亚 你有什么爱好吗 像是烹饪或者编织 或者打网球或者是去脱衣舞俱乐部这种的
Well- I only ask because Lisa sent this photo in.
恩 我这么问你只是因为丽萨发了这张照片过来
You're gorgeous, gorgeous. So beautiful. So is that Lisa's father? Maybe.
你太耀眼啦 耀眼啊 太漂亮了 那么 那个人是丽萨的爸爸吗 可能吧
Well- No. We'll take the test today and find out for sure.
恩 不是的 我们今天去做个DNA测试 确认一下
No, that's a different show. Peggy Nasson? Peggy Nasson?
不 那就是另一个节目了 佩姬 纳森对吧 佩姬 纳森在吗
Where, Peggy? And you're here with your husband? Yes. David.
佩姬你在哪呢 你跟你丈夫一起来的吗 是的 大卫
David. Hi, David. I didn't recognize you. You have clothes on.
大卫 你好啊 大卫 我没有认出你 因为你穿了衣服
Let's just take a look at David's photo. I can't believe it.
不如咱们来看看大卫的照片吧 我真不敢相信
She's enjoying it so much, and you don't seem to be enjoying as much.
她那么享受 而你看起来不怎么享受的样子
What's happening here? I have no idea. It must have-
那是怎么回事啊 我真不知道 可能是
It must have been one of those days. Monday Night Football, probably.
可能是周一足球夜 期间的某一天吧
I see, I see. Well, you're covered up, and that's great.
这样啊 我懂了 恩 你穿上衣服了 挺好的
I thought it was Katy Perry at first.
Actually, I retired from teaching in 2013, and it was my retirement party.
其实 我是一名2013年退休的教师 那是我的退休派对
And we had food, and drinks, and everything, but
那天我们吃饭 喝酒之类的 但是
he insisted on having live entertainment. So he was the live entertainment.
他坚持要来现场娱乐 然后他就成了娱乐现场
Listen, I understand. On teachers' salaries, you're not gonna get much.
听着 我理解的 作为老师 你的薪水不是很多吧
Wow! Well, good for you. I'm glad I can remind you of it.
哇哦 恩 挺好的 是个好事 很高兴 我能提醒你这一点
Cindy Rum? Cindy? Yeah. Hi, Cindy. Is that pronounced?
辛迪 鲁姆是吗 辛迪在吗 在这 辛迪 你好 发音对吗
Yeah. Rum? I did it. All right, Cindy, and you're with your mother? Yes.
对的 鲁姆是吗 我做到了 好的 辛迪 你跟你妈妈一起来的吗 是的啊
Barbara, who I saw you dancing with Twitch earlier. Wonderful Tootsie Roll by the way.
芭芭拉 我之前看见你跟推塔儿跳舞来着 顺便说下 跳得很精彩啊
Wonderful. Okay, so you're the wild one Barbara.
精彩 好了 那么 你是狂野版的芭芭拉
And Cindy's the one like, I'm gonna show you, so let's just see.
然后辛迪就说 我要给你看看 那我们直接看看好了
My gosh. That's how mother birds feed their babies, like that.
我的老天爷 鸟妈妈就是这样喂给 小鸟宝宝吃的 一毛一样
That's a pepper, right? Some kind of pepper?
那是个辣椒 对吧 哪种辣椒啊
Yeah, a hot one. A hot one. Yeah, and who's the guy?
是 很辣的那种 很辣的那种 没错 那这个男人是谁
Is that David? No. A real good friend. Who's the guy?
这是大卫吗 不是的 他是一个非常要好的朋友 那家伙是谁
A good friend of ours. Uh-huh, you're answering for her now.
我们的一个好朋友 啊哈 你现在帮她回答了
So like good, good friend. Yeah, very. And what was the reasoning?
那 是很好很好的那种朋友 是的 非常好的 那么经过是什么样的呢
Did someone say, pass me the pepper, and you're like, okay.
是不是有人说 递下辣椒 然后你就说 好的
It was a Super Bowl party and somebody wanted- Well, that explains it.
那就像是个超级碗派对 有人想看这个 恩 那也说的通
Something hot. Yes, all right.
火辣的场景 恩 说得对
Would you try to do it right now, if I handed you the pepper and?
如果我给你辣椒 你现在会玩那招吗
Andy, do you have a pepper? She was trying to do it to you.
安迪 你有辣椒吗 她想跟你玩那招
It's all right. All right. Wow. That was hot, too. Yeah.
这没关系的 那么 好的 哇哦 这次也是很火辣的场面 是的是的
That was hot for all of us, really.
刚刚那个对我们来说 真的很火辣
All right, thank you all for your embarrassing your family on national television.
好了 感谢所有人的尴尬时刻 你的家人上了国家电视台哦
To make up for showing your pictures, you're each gonna get a 55-inch TCL Roku TV.
为了补偿你们分享了尴尬的照片 你们每人都会获得一台55英寸的TCL Roku电视机
Everybody else gets to dance!