Distance may breed discontent.
Another reason may be that, when not distracted by schoolwork, children spend more time in front of a screen, which research suggests makes them less happy.
And many extra-curricular activities are suspended, which means less time playing football or hanging out at drama club.
“Everyone needs something meaningful to fill their day,” says MsKnies.
Unemployed adults are less happy than their peers.

Crucially, those children who were on holiday abroad would not have been surveyed, so the ones included in the study were those left hanging around at home.
As for why Easter holidays are worst of all, one possible explanation jumps out: exams.
The main ones tend to be in the summer term, so the Easter break is spent swotting up (or feeling guilty about not doing so) .
Steve Jackson, the head teacher of a school in Somerset, frets that the pressure piled on children by exams has “increased exponentially over the years”, to the extent that they may now be damaging to young people's health.
萨默斯塞特郡一所学校的校长史蒂夫·杰克逊(Steve Jackson)十分担忧各种考试给孩子们带来的成堆的压力“这几年孩子们的压力已经在呈指数级别上升”,甚至已经到了会损害年轻人身体健康的程度。
Foreign jaunts are more common in the summer; Christmas brings families together in the winter.
Easter eggs, it seems, are insufficient compensation for the horrors of revision.