We were asked to design an identity for Casa da Musica, the Rem Koolhaas-built music center in Porto, in Portugal.
音乐之家曾请我们设计标志,就是那个由Rem Koolhaas设计建造的音乐中心,在葡萄牙的波尔图。
And even though I desired to do an identity that doesn't use the architecture, I failed at that.
And mostly also because I realized out of a Rem Koolhaas presentation to the city of Porto,
一个主要原因是因为Rem Koolhaas给波尔图市做的一场简报,
where he talked about a conglomeration of various layers of meaning.
Which I understood after I translated it from architecture speech in to regular English, basically as logo making.
And I understood that the building itself was a logo.
So then it became quite easy.

We put a mask on it, looked at it deep down in the ground, checked it out from all sides, west, north, south, east, top and bottom.
Colored them in a very particular way by having a friend of mine write a piece of software, the Casa da Musica Logo Generator.
That's connected to a scanner. You put any image in there, like that Beethoven image.
And the software, in a second, will give you the Casa da Musica Beethoven logo.
Which, when you actually have to design a Beethoven poster, comes in handy,
because the visual information of the logo and the actual poster is exactly the same.