Smart watches did not live up to the hype that everyone though they would. Studies show that only nine percent of adults over 18 own one.
Apple initially touted its Apple Watch as a mini-wearable computer that could run loads of apps and free users from having to interact as often with their smartphones.
起初苹果公司对旗下Apple Watch的销售亮点定位为迷你可穿戴电脑,可以下载大量app,使用户从智能手机的交互影响中解脱。

But the company eventually realized consumers saw little value in running so many different apps on a watch. So if people can't use it as a mini computer what are they using it for?
Research shows that the top five things people use their watch for is to check notifications/texts messages, tracking activity, news updates, phone calls, and alarms.
Hopefully the newer versions of the smart watch can be more usefull.
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