Lucy says she hated making her bed when she was little - when she was younger - "but now it’s become a routine." A routine, "routine," is something that you do - a normal way that you do something, usually on a regular basis. So, my routine when I get up may be to go to the bathroom and clean my face. Every day I do the same thing; that's my routine.
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"Sometimes," Lucy says, she's "so tired that" she sleeps "in for just a little too long." To sleep in (two words) means to sleep longer than you are supposed to. If you are supposed to wake up at 6:30 and you sleep until 7:00 that would be sleeping in. When she sleeps in, her bed doesn't get made, that is she doesn't make her bed.
露西说,“有时”,她“很累”,“就会多睡一会”。多睡会儿(sleep in)意思是到了该起床的时间还要继续睡。如果你应该六点半起来,而你睡到了七点,这就是多睡会儿。她多睡一会,床就没人收拾了,也就是说,她不会收拾床铺了。
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