Shares of Apple are down 1.65% to $157.12 in early trading on Thursday on reports that the company has cut orders linked to its new iPhone 8.
报道称,苹果公司削减新款iPhone 8 订单,周四早盘,苹果公司股价下跌1.65%,每股157.12美元。
Apple has cut production orders linked to the iPhone 8 by more than 50% for the rest of the year, according to Bloomberg which cites the Economic Daily News, a Taipei-based publication.
Bloomberg引用台北出版刊物《经济日报》表述称,苹果公司已缩减iPhone 8 生产订单。
The reports do not specify details of the production cuts nor the source of the information.

The iPhone 8 was seen as the less impressive of several new iPhone models Apple announced earlier this year.
iPhone 8被看成是今年苹果公司所公布的新款iPhone 型号中不受青睐的那一款。
The iPhone X, with its edge-to-edge screen and new form factor, is the new flagship phone from the company.
iPhone X有着无边框屏幕以及新形式因素,是该公司的新旗舰款手机。
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