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- Lucas believes that the choir is in a very special position to help.
- 卢卡斯相信,合唱团在提供帮助上处于特别的位置。
- The people of South Africa respect the choir. It is famous.
- 南非民众重视这个合唱团。该合唱团非常出名。
- They come to hear them sing.
- 他们会来听合唱团演唱。
- But at every show the choir also helps to educate people.
- 所以合唱团利用每场演出教导民众。
- They talk about HIV/AIDS. They tell people how to avoid catching the HIV virus.
- 他们传授有关艾滋病的知识。他们告诉民众避免感染艾滋病毒的方法。
- They explain the facts. They tell people the best way of avoiding catching HIV.
- 他们阐述事实。他们告诉民众避免感染艾滋病的最佳方法。
- It is for two uninfected people to remain faithful to each other.
- 那就是,两个未感染者要对对方保持忠诚。
- The church teaches that sex should only happen in marriage.
- 教会的教导是,只有结婚以后才能进行性行为。
- If that happens then there is no risk of ever catching HIV through sex.
- 这样就不会有通过性行为感染艾滋病的风险了。
- They also explain that having unprotected sex can cause one person to pass the virus on to another.
- 他们还解释道,进行无保护措施的性行为,会使感染者将艾滋病毒传染给另一个人。
- Using a rubber protective device, a condom, during sex greatly reduces that risk.
- 在发生性行为时使用橡胶避孕套可以减少感染风险。
Voice 1: Lucas believes that the choir is in a very special position to help. The people of South Africa respect the choir. It is famous. They come to hear them sing. But at every show the choir also helps to educate people. They talk about HIV/AIDS. They tell people how to avoid catching the HIV virus. They explain the facts. They tell people the best way of avoiding catching HIV. It is for two uninfected people to remain faithful to each other. The church teaches that sex should only happen in marriage. If that happens then there is no risk of ever catching HIV through sex. They also explain that having unprotected sex can cause one person to pass the virus on to another. Using a rubber protective device, a condom, during sex greatly reduces that risk.
来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/Article/201711/530558.shtml