But modulation networks are also activated that deliver endorphins and enkephalins, chemicals released when you're in pain or during extreme exercise, creating the runner's high.
These chemical systems help regulate and reduce pain.
All these networks and pathways work together to create your pain experience, to prevent further tissue damage, and help you to cope with pain.
This system is similar for everyone, but the sensitivity and efficacy of these brain circuits determines how much you feel and cope with pain.
This is why some people have greater pain than others and why some develop chronic pain that does not respond to treatment, while others respond well.
Variability in pain sensitivities is not so different than all kinds of variability in responses to other stimuli.
Like how some people love roller coasters, but other people suffer from terrible motion sickness.
Why does it matter that there is variability in our pain brain circuits?
Well, there are many treatments for pain, targeting different systems.
For mild pain, non-prescription medications can act on cells where the pain signals start.
Other stronger pain medicines and anesthetics work by reducing the activity in pain-sensing circuits or boosting our coping system, or endorphins.
Some people can cope with pain using methods that involve distraction, relaxation, meditation, yoga, or strategies that can be taught, like cognitive behavioral therapy.
For some people who suffer from severe chronic pain, that is pain that doesn't go away months after their injury should have healed, none of the regular treatments work.
Traditionally, medical science has been about testing treatments on large groups to determine what would help a majority of patients.
But this has usually left out some who didn't benefit from the treatment or experienced side effects.
Now, new treatments that directly stimulate or block certain pain-sensing attention or modulation networks are being developed, along with ways to tailor them to individual patients, using tools like magnetic resonance imaging to map brain pathways.
Figuring out how your brain responds to pain is the key to finding the best treatment for you.
That's true personalized medicine.