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- Now, what's encapsulated in both these drowning metaphors -- actually, one of them is my mother's interpretation,
- 暗藏在这两个溺水故事中的比喻是其中一个说法来自我母亲,
- and it is a famous Chinese saying, because she said it to me: "save a man from drowning, you are responsible to him for life."
- 中国人常说的“救一个溺水者,你便得为他的一生负责。”
- And it was a warning -- don't get involved in other people's business, or you're going to get stuck. OK.
- 那是一种警告:别管别人的闲事,免得被缠上,
- I think if somebody really was drowning, she'd save them.
- 但我想如果真的有人溺水的话,她还是会救他们的。
- But, both of these sayings -- saving a fish from drowning, or saving a man from drowning -- to me they had to do with intentions.
- 但这两种说法,不管是救溺水的鱼,还是溺水的人,这取决与你的意图。
- And all of us in life, when we see a situation, we have a response. And then we have intentions.
- 我们在人生中,都得对我们身边发生的事情做出反应。怀抱着各自的意图。
- There's an ambiguity of what that should be that we should do, and then we do something.
- 在我们应该做的和最后真正做了的两者之间,有一些模棱两可之处。
- And the results of that may not match what our intentions had been. Maybe things go wrong.
- 而结果也不一定符合我们原本的意图。说不定事情搞砸了。
- And so, after that, what are our responsibilities? What are we supposed to do?
- 若当如此,我们的责任又在哪?我们该怎么做?
- Do we stay in for life, or do we do something else and justify and say, well, my intentions were good,
- 我们该留下来负责还是尝试合理化我们的行为,说,我的本意是好的,
- and therefore I cannot be held responsible for all of it?
- 所以我不应当负全责?
- That is the ambiguity in my life that really disturbed me, and led me to write a book called "Saving Fish From Drowning."
- 这便是我人生中很难接受的模棱两可,甚至让我因此写了本书,就叫做《救一只溺水的鱼》。