n. 投票 动词vote的现在分词形式
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- I think the Republican strategists would be concerned
- 我想共和党的战略家会感到担忧
- when they look at places like greater Atlanta undergoing this sort of substantial shift in the Democratic direction
- 因为大西洋州区各州的民主党支持率出现了大幅度增长
- and in Florida again it's something we talked about in the course website
- 在佛罗里达州 之前我们在课程网站上已经讨论过了
- Tampa, Hillsborough County and neighboring areas
- 在希尔斯伯勒县的坦帕市及其周边地区
- big cities had gone for Bush went for Obama this time
- 过去支持布什的大城市都转而支持奥巴马
- and I thought ok there's a real change here but in the long run over the last 12 not much of a change
- 我想这里的选情的确发生了很多变化 但从更长的时间段来看 与12年前的选情相比却几乎没变
- all the change has been is Orlando
- 唯一变化很大的是奥兰多
- Orange County, Osceola County to the south of it
- 在它以南的橙县 奥西奥拉县
- this is an area that had been reliably Republican voting now Democratic voting
- 过去曾是忠实的共和党阵地 现在变成了民主党阵地
- so that's been a boom area
- 这是一个发展迅猛的地区
- lots of people moving in and it really changed the voting pattern in central Florida so that really is the big story
- 很多人移居到这里 导致佛州中部的选举倾向发生了改变 这的确是一个很大的变化
- I think why Florida is now at least for this election we'll see in the Democratic camp
- 我想这也是佛州 至少在这场大选中倾向民主党的重要原因
- Vermont where is reliably Democratic voting now
- 佛蒙特州现在是可靠的民主党支持州
- heavily Democratic voting
- 民主党支持率非常高
- New Hampshire had been a swing state
- 过去新罕布什尔是个摇摆州
- it has at least for the XX shifted out of that category
- 但现在它已经稳定地倾向民主党
- we just pause for a drinking see if anyone has any questions or comments
- 让我停下喝口水 有没人有什么问题或者评论?
- yes
- 请提问
- the county around Cincinati is Hamilton
- 辛辛那提所在的县汉密尔顿县
- Hamilton county
- 没错是汉密尔顿县
- it is pretty strongly blue this time but I don't see it reflected the shift
- 在这次大选中极为倾向民主党 但好像这幅图中没有反应出这个转变
- yes you can see it is blue here
- 图中你可以看到它是蓝色的
- it's not as blue as some of the other counties
- 但它的蓝色没它附近的县那么深
- actually I was gonna say that's Franklin
- 这个较深的是富兰克林
- yes that is Franklin County
- 没错 是富兰克林县
- that's Columbus
- 哥伦布市坐落于此
- Indianapolis Columba show up with more of a blue shift
- 印第安纳波利斯 和哥伦布表现出向蓝偏转的幅度较为明显
- Hamilton County had voted for Bush in both 2000 and 2004 and voted for Barack Obama this time
- 汉密尔顿县过去是支持布什的 在2000年和04年的大选都是 而这次却转而支持奥巴马
- which is one of the keys to Obama's victory in Ohio
- 这对奥巴马在俄亥俄取得胜利非常关键
- which is a fairly narrow victory
- 他在俄亥俄的获胜优势非常微弱
- and again I would have suspected maybe a little bit more of a change there as well
- 所以我也觉得汉密尔顿县的变化应该比图中反应的更大才对


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