1. average out to 平均为
World population can be stable only if fertility rates around the world average out to 2.1 children per woman. (31KB)
只有世界范围内的出生率能达到平均每位妇女生育2.1个子女,世界人口才可能稳定 。
2. fall into 属于
Student organizations at Harvard can fall into more than ten categories.
哈佛大学的学生社团有十余种 。
3. it doesn't hurt that ……是一个优势
It doesn’t hurt to have money when you want to run for office.
要想参加竞选,经济实力就是一个优势 。
4. ups and downs 沉浮
He faces the ups and downs of his life with courage.
他勇敢地面对人生的跌宕起伏 。
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