Some of them help with campaigns (or the things people do to try to be elected to a government job) for their political party's candidates (or the people who are trying to be elected).
Sometimes they help by calling undecided voters (or people who haven't yet decided whom they will vote for) or by visiting them in their homes.
Other people are more politically active for issues than for candidates. They might join a community group that tries to show people how important an issue is.
They also call Senators and Representatives to try to get them to vote a certain way on important issues.
Sometimes these people will talk to their friends and family about the issues and some of them even write letters to the editor, which is the part of the newspaper where people can write about their strong beliefs.
The people who have the highest level of civic involvement try to run for office (or try to get elected to a political position or job).
Sometimes people begin locally, at first running for office in their neighborhood or city, but then seeking office (or trying to get elected) at the state or national level.
Each and every American can choose how much civil involvement he or she wants to have.