Jon Rubinstein, who was in charge of hardware, adapted the microprocessor and guts of the PowerMac G3,
负责硬件的部门主管乔恩·鲁宾斯坦,决定采用PowerMac G3的微处理器和内核,
Apple's high-end professional computer, for use in the proposed new machine.
It would have a hard drive and a tray for compact disks,
but in a rather bold move, Jobs and Rubinstein decided not to include the usual floppy disk drive.
Jobs quoted the hockey star Wayne Gretzky's maxim, "Skate where the puck's going, not where it's been."
He was a bit ahead of his time, but eventually most computers eliminated floppy disks.

Ive and his top deputy, Danny Coster, began to sketch out futuristic designs.
Jobs brusquely rejected the dozen foam models they initially produced, but Ive knew how to guide him gently.
Ive agreed that none of them was quite right, but he pointed out one that had promise.
It was curved, playful looking, and did not seem like an unmovable slab rooted to the table.
"It has a sense that it's just arrived on your desktop or it's just about to hop off and go somewhere," he told Jobs.