"The rabbi said." And they continue to fight, and bickering. The week finally finally ends. And he runs to the rabbi and said,
"rabbi, help!" And the rabbi said, "how are things going?" He said, "Well, worse! No place at home. We are fighting. It stinks. It's terrible."
"My child, do you have a cow in your backyard?" "Yes, rabbi. We have a cow."
"Well, bring her into the house in addition to the chickens for the week." "Rabbi, but..." "Just do it."
So he brings in the cow. And again, it's awful.
It stinks to the enth degree in his nose. And they don't even sleep for the whole week. And it's terrible. By the end of the week,
you know he's looking terrible, disheveled. He stinks. He goes to the rabbi and says, "rabbi, help! Situation is terrible. Yes, it's so much worse."

"Do you have a horse in your backyard?"
"Yes, rabbi. We do. But now I understand the pattern here."
"Take the horse and bring it into your house." So he takes the horse and brings it into the house.
And it's awful. The horse is kicking and yelling and jumping and breaks stuff. And there's mess and chaos and bickering and... So much worse.
And finally the week ends. He runs to the rabbi.
And the rabbi says, "how are you doing?"
"Rabbi, it's terrible! It's awful!" "OK. For the next week, why don't you take out all the animals and come and see me then?"