1. take power 上台;执政
When he took power, Barack Obama was in third grade.
他上台的时候,奥巴马才上小学三年级 。
2. hold fire 按兵不动
The rate increase will be a disappointment to Indian business lobby groups that had been pushing the central bank to hold fire.
加息将令印度企业游说团体感到失望,他们曾力图说服印度央行按兵不动 。
3. be perceived as 被认为
"Smoking has been a part of our culture for so long it isn't perceived as being hazardous, causing illness or poisonous, " said the doctor.
“吸烟成为我们文化的一部分已经很久了,所以它在人们心中是无害,不会致病,也无毒 。”医生说道 。
4. advocate for 支持
Reportedly he privately has advocated for another round of government stimulus spending, but isn't willing to push for it in public.
据报道说,他私下支持又一轮的政府刺激消费,但他不想在公众里推行这计划 。
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