They suspended the rehearsal, and for a while it seemed as if Jobs might cancel the entire product launch.
"Ruby looked at me as if to say, 'Am I crazy?'" Schiller recalled.
"It was my first product launch with Steve and the first time I saw his mind-set of 'If it's not right we're not launching it.'"
Finally, they agreed to replace the tray with a slot drive for the next version of the iMac.
"I'm only going to go ahead with the launch if you promise we're going to go to slot mode as soon as possible," Jobs said tearfully.
There was also a problem with the video he planned to show.

In it, Jony Ive is shown describing his design thinking and asking,
"What computer would the Jetsons have had? It was like, the future yesterday."
At that moment there was a two-second snippet from the cartoon show, showing Jane Jetson looking at a video screen,
followed by another two-second clip of the Jetsons giggling by a Christmas tree.
At a rehearsal a production assistant told Jobs they would have to remove the clips
because Hanna-Barbera had not given permission to use them.
"Keep it in," Jobs barked at him. The assistant explained that there were rules against that.
"I don't care," Jobs said. "We're using it." The clip stayed in.