Once again Jobs had produced an iconic new product, this one a harbinger of a new millennium.
It fulfilled the promise of "Think Different."
Instead of beige boxes and monitors with a welter of cables and a bulky setup manual,
here was a friendly and spunky appliance, smooth to the touch and as pleasing to the eye as a robin's egg.
You could grab its cute little handle and lift it out of the elegant white box and plug it right into a wall socket.

People who had been afraid of computers now wanted one,
and they wanted to put it in a room where others could admire and perhaps covet it.
"A piece of hardware that blends sci-fi shimmer with the kitsch whimsy of a cocktail umbrella," Steven Levy wrote in Newsweek,
"it is not only the coolest- looking computer introduced in years,
but a chest-thumping statement that Silicon Valley's original dream company is no longer somnambulant."
Forbes called it "an industry-altering success," and John Sculley later came out of exile to gush,
"He has implemented the same simple strategy that made Apple so successful 15 years ago:
make hit products and promote them with terrific marketing."