1.odd thing 奇观
The Nobel peace prize is an odd thing.
诺贝尔和平奖是一件奇怪的东西 。
2.tropical cyclone 热带气旋
As the New Year approached, thousands of residents in Queensland, northeastern Australia, found themselves stranded by floodwaters from Tropical Cyclone Tasha.
随着新年的临近,澳大利亚东北部昆士兰的数千居民受到热带气旋塔莎带来的洪水影响而进退维谷 。
3.meteorological event 气象事件
There comes a point at which a meteorological event becomes truly "exceptional".
气象事件近来一度达到了“异乎寻常”的境地 。
4.comes into contact with 接触
When the seawater freezes as it comes into contact with the brinicle.
其余的海水一接触到这条死亡冰柱就会马上冻结 。
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