1.Empire State Building 帝国大厦
View from Empire State Building to Chrysler Building and Queensboro Bridge.
从帝国大厦向克莱斯勒大厦与皇后大桥眺望 。
2.measurable 可测量的;重要的;重大的
Spatial ability is located in both brain hemi spheres for women but does not have a specific measurable location as it does in males.
空间能力位于女性的左右两个半脑,但是并不像在男性大脑中一样有一个特定的可测量的位置 。
3.thunderstorm 雷暴;雷暴雨;大雷雨
The Fermi Space Telescope is so sensitive to these gamma ray bursts that it doesn't even need to be positioned right over a thunderstorm to detect the TGFs.
费米太空望远镜对这些伽马射线脉冲很灵敏,以至于它甚至不需要调整位置对准雷暴的正上方,就能来探测TGF信号 。
4.prevent from 阻止,制止;妨碍
To prevent and investigate illegal activities; to attack and take precautions against terrorism; to maintain the public order and prevent from activities against public order.
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