I won't let being paralyzed stop me
2 years after a fall from a third-floor balcony put her in a wheelchair, the 25-year-old doesn't let anything hold her back
It was the spring of 2016, and 23-year-old Jillian Harpin was having the time of her life.
With a college degree from Bentley University in Waltham, Mass., already under her belt, she was happily juggling work as a financial analyst and a packed social calendar—filled with weekend ski trips and nights out with her girlfriends.
她在马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆的宾利大学(Bentley University)获得大学学位,她一边做着金融分析师的工作,一边把社交活动安排得满满当当:周末的滑雪计划,还有晚上和闺蜜们出去玩的安排。

Planning to pay of her student loans, she'd just moved back home with her parents in Wolcott, Conn., and had set her sights on finishing a series of 50 area hikes by the end of the summer.
"I was so excited for my future," says Harpin. "I felt like I had it all." But all of that was about to change.
On April 18 she and three of her closest friends left for a week-long vacation in Riviera Maya, Mexico.
Five days into the trip—"We were having the best time," she says—Harpin walked out onto the balcony to make a quick call home before dinner.
Sitting on the balcony's railing. "I lifted my foot up and lost my balance," recalls Harpin.
She plummeted three stories to the grass below, fracturing three vertebrae in her back, her sternum and several ribs.
Harpin was unconscious as she was airlifted to a hospital in Miami the next day and woke up in a daze of pain medication to discover she was paralyzed from the waist down.
"When I was getting prepped to go into surgery, my dad was standing right in front of me, crying and crying," Harpin recalls.
"So I looked at him and I said, 'Dad, it's going to be okay. I'm still Jillian. I'm still here. I've got my head, I've got my hands. It'll be okay.'"
Two years later Harpin, now 25, is more than okay.
Although doctors have told her that her chances of walking again are slim, she cycles in half-marathons, plays adaptive basketball, goes rock climbing on a wall at a local gym—and even rode a mechanical bull on a trip to Nashville.
In April she participated in a 5K race—and in June, with the help of a specially designed off-road wheelchair, she took second place in the Gaylord Gauntlet, a strenuous trail-and-obstacle event in Wallingford, Conn., that saw her crawling through mud, scaling walls and clambering over rock piles.
今年4月,她参加了一项5公里赛跑。今年6月,利用专门设计的越野轮椅,她在康涅狄格州沃林福德的盖洛德挑战赛(Gaylord Gauntlet)中获得第二名。盖洛德挑战赛是一场艰苦的障碍跑步比赛,她爬过泥地,翻过墙壁,爬过石堆。
"Everything seemed impossible after the accident," she says.
"I thought I had this broken body and that I would never be okay, but I really just had to reinvent how my life was going to look. It wasn't over."
That revelation, however, didn't come easily. "It took a long time to get here," says Harpin.