1. escape with one's life 活着逃过一劫
He began to doubt whether he should escape with his life, so he remained, quietly lying where he was.
他甚至都开始怀疑能不能活着离开了 。所以他只能躺在那一动不动 。
2. rush in 冲进来
The door was flung open and there rushed in a paunchy middle-aged man, with inch-long hair cut close to his head.
大门猛然推开,一名只留有一寸长短发、腹大便便的中年男子冲了进来 。
3. put aside 搁置;把……放到一边
At such a time of crisis, we must try to put aside all differences of party or class.
在这样的危急关头,我们必须设法放下党派阶级的分歧 。
4. in the homestretch of/with 在……的最后阶段
We’re in the homestretch with this project and can’t change it now.
项目已经进入最后阶段,这个时候已经改不了了 。
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