It was not until Mr. Bowers walked into their congregation that they understood what was happening.
“As soon as I realized what it was, it was get out of there or die,” Mr. Charney said.
He saw Mr. Bowers shoot four people, and he ran away quickly.
“I saw a big gun — I only looked at him for a couple of seconds, and I put two and two together,” Mr. Charney said.
He said he and the woman who had been reading scurried to a space on the third floor where “there are places to hide, because they are small.”
He stood there with the woman, thinking of two things: “Keep your mouth shut and don’t breathe. It was very difficult.”
When the first police officers arrived around 10 a.m., the gunman immediately began shooting at them.
“We’re under fire, we’re under fire,” said an officer, according to a transcript of the police radio scanner traffic.
“He’s got an automatic weapon, he’s firing at us from the synagogue.”
Another officer reported: “We’re taking on AK-47 fire from out the front of the synagogue.”
Mr. Werber was hiding in the storage room with Ms. Black and with Mr. Wax.
“Mel Wax, blessed memory, couldn’t hear,” Mr. Werber said.
“He had hearing aids, but you had to shout to make him hear anything. And I wasn’t about to do any shouting.”
After a long pause in the gunfire, Mr. Wax pushed the door open.
Three shots rang out, Mr. Werber said, and Mr. Wax’s body fell back into the room.
When the gunman came in, stepping over Mr. Wax’s body, no one said a word.
Ms. Black was crouched near the door.

Mr. Werber’s cellphone, an old flip phone, was unlit.
“If there had been any light, I would have been the center of the bull’s-eye,” he said.
“I was just hoping he didn’t have a flashlight, or he just didn’t spray the back of the room for the hell of it.”
Instead, he walked out.
At 10:55 a.m. the SWAT team encountered Mr. Bowers, up on the third floor where he had barricaded himself.
“Shots were still going off when I came out of the room,” an officer said on the scanner. “I believe he’s still alive.”
“我从房间出来的时候,枪声还没有停,”一名军官在扫描仪上说到。 “我相信他还活着。”
Eight minutes later, officers reported talking to Mr. Bowers.
“Contact with the actor,” an officer said.
“Spontaneous negotiations ongoing, communications effort to get him to come out, tell him we’re not going in.”
Officers exchanged gunfire with the suspect, and four police officers were wounded, three of them by bullets.
“He’s been given orders to crawl out, crawl out,” an officer said. “He’s not done so yet.”
“我们下了命令让他爬出来,”一名军官说。 “现在他还没有出来。”
At 11:08 a.m., the suspect finally surrendered, crawling toward the officers.
“Suspect’s talking about, uh, all these Jews need to die,” an officer said.
“The suspect keeps telling about killing Jews, he doesn’t want any of them to live.”