1.decline to do 谢绝
No court has yet ruled in this case in light of the new facts, and we decline to be the first to do so.
迄今尚未有哪一所法院在本案中依据新的事实作出裁决,本院亦不愿为人先 。
2.lop off 砍掉
His ponytail had been lopped off.
他的马尾辫被剪掉了 。
3.threaten to do 威胁
He said army officers had threatened to destroy the town.
他说军官们已威胁要摧毁这座小镇 。
4.pick up speed 加速
Brian started the engine and pulled away slowly, but picked up speed once he entered Oakwood Drive.
布赖恩发动引擎,慢慢驶离,但上了奥克伍德大道后就开始加速 。
5.ply someone with 不断供给
Elsie, who had been told that Maria wasn't well, plied her with food.
埃尔茜听说玛丽亚身体不好,就不停地给她食物 。
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