1. call for 呼吁
Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, recently called for a "public and informed debate" on the issue.
英国央行行长默文·金近日呼吁就此问题展开“开诚布公的讨论” 。
2. call one's names 辱骂
Although the boys behaved badly the teacher should not call their names.
虽然这些男孩子品行差劣,但老师也不该辱骂他们 。
3. by a long shot 绝不是;远没有
Our work has not been done, not by a long shot.
我们的工作还没有完,远没有完 。
4. make a difference 有所作为
Allow yourself to savor the sense of accomplishment , and recognize that you made a difference.
让自己享受成就感,并意识到自己已经有所作为了 。
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