Betty Ford A First Lady Like No Other
贝蒂·福特 独一无二的第一夫人
In the '70s, she broke the rules by speaking about her own breast cancer, addiction and alcoholism. A new bio reveals how modern she really was
America's First Ladies often play it safe—avoiding politics, prizing privacy—but there was never anything typical about Betty Ford.
Thrust into the role overnight when President Nixon resigned in the Watergate scandal in 1974 and Vice President Gerald Ford took over, Betty, a Martha Graham-trained dancer, tiptoed around nothing.

She spoke frankly about her children's use of marijuana ("I'm sure they've all probably tried it"), supported legalized abortion ("Bring it out of the backwoods and into the hospitals, where it belongs") and went public with her breast cancer and mastectomy—easing a long-held stigma.
Sometimes, for her four kids, Betty was a little too candid—like the time she said she "wouldn't be surprised" if her daughter Susan, then 18, was having premarital sex.
"The joke is that there were lines of boys outside the White House waiting to date me since my mother said I could have sex," Susan, now 61, tells People' s Liz McNeil with a laugh.
But it was in revealing her own prescription-drug addiction and alcoholism that Betty really blazed a trail.
"To my dying day, I'll be recovering," she said.
In 1982 she opened the Betty Ford Center, a rehab clinic made famous by the many stars who've sought help there.
1982年,她开了贝蒂福特中心(Betty Ford Center),这家康复诊所因许多在那里寻求帮助的明星而闻名。
The center cemented her legacy of removing the shame from addiction.
Seven years after her death at age 93, Betty Ford, a new biography by Lisa McCubbin, excerpted here, tells the story of the girl who was born Elizabeth Anne Bloomer, raised in Grand Rapids, Mich., and always did things her own way.
她93岁去世,七年后,丽莎·麦卡宾(Lisa McCubbin)的新传记《贝蒂·福特》(Betty Ford)讲述了伊丽莎白·安妮·布卢姆(Elizabeth Anne Bloomer)的故事。她在密歇根州大急流城(Grand Rapids)长大,总以自己的方式处事。
Susan hopes the book will teach a new generation about her mom: "She was truly the one who began to change the role of the First Lady."
In the middle of a divorce from her first husband in 1947, Betty met Jerry Ford, a lawyer and former University of Michigan football star.
They married in 1948, he was elected to the U.S. House, and they had four kids in seven years.
Betty taught Sunday school, was a Cub Scout den mother and attended sessions of Congress to learn about Jerry's work.
For a woman who appeared on the outside to have everything, even she couldn't understand why she wasn't perfectly happy.
In 1964 she suffered a pinched nerve in her neck and was prescribed Darvon, a powerful painkiller.
Before leaving the hospital, Betty had expressed her fear about being able to return to normal activities.
The doctor's response: "Don't let the pain start. Keep your medication with you and take it every four hours."
She was on pain meds around the clock, and every evening, at 5, she'd have a cocktail, just as she'd always done.
Jerry became Senate Minority Leader in 1965. As Jerry's prestige in Washington grew, Betty began growing resentful.