1. stick around 逗留;等待着
Todd had to stick around the house all day until the new furniture was finally delivered in the late afternoon.
托德的新家具一直到下午很晚才送来,所以他只得整天都在家里等着 。
2. be being waged in 正在上演/拉开/进行
What was being waged in Anyang County was strictly a people's war.
安阳县的群众进行的完全是一场人民战争 。
3. spurred by 在……的推动下
Spurred by Apple's iPhone, smartphone developers have made great strides over the last three years.
受苹果手机的影响,智能手机开发商们在近三年间取得了长足的进步 。
4. assault on 突袭;践踏
He was elected on a ticket of ending Bush and Cheney's eight-year assault on reason and with it the era of special-interest politics.
人们选他当总统,就是要结束布什和切尼对理性进行的长达八年的践踏,以及由此而产生的特殊利益政治时代 。
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