1. see sth. close-up 近距离地看
This exciting ride will take you along rugged trails and help you see the local flora and fauna that define the landscape close-up.
这次令人兴奋的骑行将会带领大家沿着崎岖的小路,近距离地领略当地特有的植被和动物 。
2. in a frenzy of 在一阵……下
In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy and revenged his father.
在恨之入骨的冲动下,他把仇人杀了,为他父亲报了仇 。
3. demand for 对……的要求
You're trying to reconcile the strong demands of partners with an equally strong internal demand for personal freedom.
你要试图在顺从同伴严格的要求的同时,顺从同样强烈的个人自由的需求 。
4. be under construction 在建的
The Commerce Department said the number of new homes under construction fell to a 17-year low in September.
美国商务部说,正在建造的新住宅数量9月份下跌到了17年来的最低水平 。
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