1. cozy up to 同……搞好关系;巴解,讨好;
One way to cozy up to the leader of the free world is to give him and his wife opulent gifts.
与自由世界的领袖搞好关系的方式之一就是给他和他妻子多多送礼 。
2. the real deal 货真价实的;不好对付的
The "narcoterrorist" label is often misused, but the Taliban are the real deal.
“毒品恐怖主义”的标签经常被误用,但塔利班却是货真价实的恐怖分子 。
3. be first in line to 首先
The craziest Twi-hards camped outside of movie theaters for days so they could be the first in line to see the new Twilight movie.
暮光迷们为了能首批进电影院,看最新的《暮光之城》,不惜日夜在电影院外露营排队等候 。
4. reap the benefits of 收获……的好处;尝到……的甜头
From there, the two reaped the benefits of their partnership.
从那时起,他们就开始收获合作的好处了 。
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