1. no more than 不超过
What if I told you that you could read that free ebook in just one week, spending no more than two hours per day on it?
2. window dressing 装饰门面;表面现象;弄虚作假
She was telling me how much she has changed but I think it's just window-dressing. Underneath she's the same.
她告诉我她改变了很多,但我认为那只是表面现象,骨子里她还是老样子 。
3. blast sb. for (doing) sth. 因……责怪……
He blasted her for lying .
他责怪她撒谎 。
4. detour into 转向;偏离
But before I go further, let me make a quick detour into the theory of parsing.
但在深入探讨前,请允许我先快速介绍一下解析理论 。
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