1.burn down 烧毁,火力减弱
They threatened to burn down our house.
他们威胁要烧毁我们的房子 。
2.guilty of 有……之过错;对……感到内疚
From this point of view I want to say ? was Socrates guilty of impiety?
3.commit murder 谋杀
The fetus survived, but she was charged with criminal solicitation to commit murder.
胎儿还是保住了,但是她被控教唆他人实施谋杀 。
4.sentenced to 被判处
He was sentenced to death.
他被判处死刑 。
5.parent company 总公司,母公司
Earlier this year, the family transferred the parent company shareholding to a new company registered in Delaware, which requires disclosure of only the bare minimum of corporate information.
同年早些时候,该家族把其母公司股权转让给了美国特拉华州一家新成立的公司,并要求只能最低限额地披露公司信息 。
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