1. deal a blow to 给……造成打击
They said the amounts shouldn't affect human health, but the finding could deal a blow to Japan's agriculture.
官员说,这些放射性物质的含量应该不会影响人体健康,但这一发现可能会给日本农业带来打击 。
2. become the pitchman for 成为……的代言人
By the time Prohibition ended in 1933, the snowman had become the pitchman for almost every leading liquor company.
1933年禁酒令结束后,雪人几乎变成了所有有名酒厂的形象大使 。
3. hold the line against 坚持反对
We've got to hold the line against violence in our public schools.
在我们公立中学里,我们要坚持反对暴力的立场 。
4. lead sb. astray 让某人误入歧途
That's just part of the story for cheating politicians, whose power and feelings of invincibility can also lead them astray.
这只是骗人政客们的一部分故事,他们的权力和优越感也能把他们引入歧途 。
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