In the year’s other big elections, Colombia took a conservative turn when it elected Iván Duque as president. With the main opposition candidate barred from running, Vladimir Putin was easily re-elected as Russia’s president. Pakistan got a new prime minister in Imran Khan, though the former cricket star had unsporting help from the army. Italy got a new populist coalition, which did little to tackle the country’s mounting debt problem.
在今年其他国家的大选中,哥伦比亚在选举伊凡·杜克(Ivan Duque)为总统时转向保守派。由于主要反对党候选人被禁止参选,弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)轻松连任俄罗斯总统。巴基斯坦新总理伊姆兰汗(Imran Khan)上台,尽管这位前板球明星得到了军方不公正的帮助。意大利组建了一个新的民粹主义联盟,但在解决该国日益严重的债务问题方面收效甚微。
Malaysians ousted the increasingly corrupt party that had ruled their country since independence in 1957, even though it had tried to rig the ballot. And Zimbabwe’s election was won by ZANU-PF, sans Robert Mugabe. The opposition claimed the vote had been rigged, but the electoral commission insisted there had been no skulduggery.

Cyril Ramaphosa took over as South Africa’s president when Jacob Zuma at last resigned after years of corruption scandals. The moribund economy emerged from recession. Australia also got a new leader when Malcolm Turnbull was ousted as prime minister by his party colleagues and replaced with Scott Morrison. The office has changed hands six times since 2007. Amid an impeachment vote, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski resigned as Peru’s president.
雅各布·祖马(Jacob Zuma)在多年的腐败丑闻后终于辞职,西里尔·拉马福萨(Cyril Ramaphosa)接任南非总统。奄奄一息的经济从衰退中复苏。当马尔科姆·特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)被党内同僚赶下台,由斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)接任总理时,澳大利亚也迎来了一位新任领导人。自2007年以来,该职位已经六度换将。在弹劾投票中,佩德罗·巴勃罗·库琴斯基辞去了秘鲁总统的职务。
The crisis of socialist mismanagement in Venezuela deepened, speeding up a mass exodus of its hungry and disenfranchised people. The military officers in charge of toilet-paper distribution failed to deliver. Inflation hit 1,000,000%. Nicolás Maduro, the president, gained another term in a sham election. He blamed Colombia for what he said was an assassination attempt on himself by drones. The event, captured on tv, showed troops fleeing rather than defending their leader.
委内瑞拉的社会主义管理不善的危机进一步加深,加速了该国饥饿和被剥夺权利的人民的大规模外流。负责分发卫生纸的军官未能按时送达。通货膨胀达到1000000%。而总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)在一场虚假选举中连任。他指责哥伦比亚企图利用无人机暗杀自己。从电视上抓拍到的这一画面显示,军队当时忙着逃命,而不是保卫他们的领袖。
I don’t believe it
Global warming was said to be partly responsible for wildfires that killed some 100 people near Athens and at least 85 in California. A report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that such calamities will become more common if the world warms even by another 0.5°C. A White House report forecast grim effects for the American economy: Donald Trump said he didn’t believe it. An international deal was struck on how to implement the Paris agreement on climate change.
Indonesia suffered two devastating earthquakes. The first struck the island of Lombok, killing over 560 people. The second triggered a tsunami in Sulawesi, killing more than 2,250 people.
Women got wheels
Saudi Arabia lifted a ban on female drivers. It also allowed cinemas to open for the first time in decades (the first film to be shown publicly was “Black Panther”). But these small liberalising steps were overshadowed by the arbitrary locking up of feminists, plutocrats and many others. The kingdom froze its links with Canada after Canada’s foreign minister mildly criticised such abuses. Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist, was murdered and dismembered by Saudi operatives in a consulate in Istanbul.
沙特阿拉伯解除了对女性司机的禁令。它还允许电影院几十年来首次开放(第一部公开放映的电影是《黑豹》)。但是,女权主义者、财阀和其他许多人的专断监禁,导致这些微小的自由化举措黯然失色。在加拿大外交部长对侵犯人权的行为提出中立批评后,沙特冻结了与加拿大的联系。贾迈勒·卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)是一名记者,在伊斯坦布尔的一处领事馆被沙特特工谋杀并遭肢解。