1.paying attention to 重视
Surprisingly psychologists have found that exactly where we're looking and what we're paying attention to can be two different things.
心理学家吃惊地发现,我们正看着哪里和我们的注意力在何处,其间没有一点儿关系 。
2.standing on 立足 站在
Legend has it that a student once asked a medieval rabbi if he could, while standing on one foot, tell the questioner all he needed to know about being a good person.
有个故事是这样的:一名学生请教一位中世纪拉比,当时这位拉比正在练单脚站立,学生问拉比能否告诉他如何才能做一个好人 。
3.roll up 卷起;滚滚上升
You can build great rapport with your staff if, at crunchtime, you roll up your sleeves and help resolve the crisis.
如果可以,你应该与你的员工建立和谐交际圈,在危机时刻,你需要卷起袖子帮助他们解决危机 。
4.have to 必须;不得不;只好
You have to file away for hours to get this metal smooth.
你要想你这块金属光滑,必须用锉刀不停地锉上几小时 。
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