I am a writer. Writing books is my profession but it's more than that, of course.
It is also my great lifelong love and fascination. And I don't expect that that's ever going to change.
But, that said, something kind of peculiar has happened recently in my life and in my career,
which has caused me to have to recalibrate my whole relationship with this work.
And the peculiar thing is that I recently wrote this book, this memoir called "Eat, Pray, Love" which,
decidedly unlike any of my previous books, went out in the world for some reason, and became this big, mega-sensation, international bestseller thing.
The result of which is that everywhere I go now, people treat me like I'm doomed.

Seriously -- doomed, doomed! Like, they come up to me now, all worried, and they say, "Aren't you afraid you're never going to be able to top that?
真的,就这样了,彻底地,没救了,玩完了!他们会非常忧虑地过来跟我说:“你不怕吗? 不怕你这辈子都超越不了那本书了吗?”
Aren't you afraid you're going to keep writing for your whole life and you're never again going to create a book that anybody in the world cares about at all, ever again?"
So that's reassuring, you know. But it would be worse, except for that I happen to remember that over 20 years ago,
when I was a teenager, when I first started telling people that I wanted to be a writer, I was met with this same sort of fear-based reaction.
And people would say, "Aren't you afraid you're never going to have any success?
Aren't you afraid the humiliation of rejection will kill you?
Aren't you afraid that you're going to work your whole life at this craft and nothing's ever going to come of it
and you're going to die on a scrap heap of broken dreams with your mouth filled with bitter ash of failure?"