1. go/head south 走下坡路,开始变坏
It seems like all our moral standards have just gone south.
我们的道德标准似乎在走下坡路了 。
2. step down 下台
Defense Secretary Robert Gates has said he would step down in 2011.
国防部长罗伯特-盖茨曾表示将于2011年退位 。
3. around that time 大约在同一时间
Around that time, Ford announced it was ready to put the money-losing Volvo cars unit up for sale.
大约在同一时间,福特汽车宣布准备将经营亏损的沃尔沃挂牌出售 。
4. in hindsight 事后想来
In hindsight, Rosenberg's actions in his final days made it evident that he was not trying to evade death but, rather, was preparing for it.
事后来看,罗森博格在最后几天的行动已经,他无意逃避死亡,而是等着它来 。
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