1. lash out 痛斥
Are your insecurities driving you to lash out at others?
2. to the shock of someone 令某人大为震惊
Sometimes she went so far as to roll on the ground, to the shock of all people around.
有时候她甚至会在地上打滚,周围的人对此都很吃惊 。
3. on the spot 当场
I bet the Soviet brass stood that poor guy up against one of those burned out aircraft and shot him on the spot!
4. be only possible if 只有……才……
He said that a deal was only possible if it is signed by all three leaders, Mr. Mugabe, Mr. Tsvangirai, and himself.
穆坦巴拉说,只有在穆加贝、茨万吉拉伊和他本人都签署才可能达成协议 。
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