America removed India from its Generalised System of Preferences, which lowers the barriers of entry for trade on certain goods, claiming that India had failed to provide equal access to its markets. Donald Trump has stepped up his complaints against India’s trade practices, notably its stiff tariffs on imports of American motorcycles. Meanwhile, in a blow to Mr Trump, America’s trade deficit in goods was $891bn in 2018, a record.
Huawei launched a lawsuit against the American government over its ban on the company’s telecoms equipment from official networks. America says that the Chinese firm represents a security threat, which it denies. In Canada a court heard America’s request for the extradition of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s chief financial officer.
Be prepared

Mark Carney said that “constructive developments” had reduced the Bank of England’s estimate of the economic damage that would result from a disorderly Brexit. The bank had previously put the cost to the economy at around 8% of GDP. Mr Carney said that had fallen by about 3.5 percentage points but continued to warn of a “material” shock. The bank also reported that the potential disruption to cross-border financial services had been mitigated in Britain, but it criticised the EU for a lack of action on its part. Of the thousands of businesses that have spoken to the bank, half are unprepared for a no-deal Brexit. Of the half that do have plans, 50% claim to be “as prepared as we can be”.
马克·卡尼(Mark Carney)表示,“建设性进展”降低了英国央行对无序脱欧可能造成的经济损害的评估。此前,该行估计英国GDP将萎缩8%左右。卡尼表示,这一数字下降了约3.5个百分点,但他继续警告称,可能会迎来“实质性”的冲击。该行还报告称,英国已经减轻了对跨境金融服务的潜在干扰,但它指责欧盟方面缺乏行动。在与英国央行谈话的数千家企业中,约一半没有为“无协议脱欧”做好准备。而已经做好准备的企业中,有50%声称“已经尽力而为”。
Lyft filed for an IPO, overtaking Uber, its bigger rival in the ride-hailing business, in the race to float on the stockmarket. Lyft will probably list in April on the NASDAQ exchange. Uber is expected to launch its IPO later this year.
GAP decided to hive off its Old Navy business into a separately listed company. Old Navy sells a cheaper clothing range than GAP-branded apparel and provides almost half of the GAP company’s sales. GAP became big when it cottoned on to the fashion for pastel colours in the 1980s, but it has struggled recently, announcing more store closures.
GAP决定将旗下的Old Navy业务分离开来,单独上市。Old Navy销售的服装系列较主品牌GAP服装更便宜,占GAP公司近半的销售额。上世纪80年代,GAP主打的色泽柔和的服装畅销,因此业务不断扩大,而最近却举步维艰,宣布关闭更多门店。
Days after defeating the government’s appeal against its takeover of Time Warner, AT&T undertook a broad restructuring of the business. A newly created WarnerMedia Entertainment will house a string of assets, including HBO. The swift departure of Richard Plepler as HBO’s boss spawned comparisons to “Game of Thrones”, one of the channel’s many hits.
在政府对其收购时代华纳的上诉被驳回几天后,AT&T对业务进行了大规模重组。新成立的华纳传媒娱乐公司将获得包括HBO在内的一系列资产。HBO老板理查德·普莱普勒(Richard Plepler)的火速离职被人调侃为现实版《权力的游戏》。《权力的游戏》是HBO众多热门剧集之一。