1. pipe in 传输
Music was piped into the office.
他们往办公室里接了音乐 。
2. as much as 虽然
As much as he longed to see Carrie, he knew she would be with someone else now.
虽然他极想看见嘉莉,但是他也知道嘉莉现在肯定有别人作伴 。
3. tune out 关掉;不理会
When I'm there on my yoga mat, I'm able to tune out the rest of the world. It's such a peaceful feeling.
当我在瑜伽垫上的时候,我就不去想其他事情,感觉特别平静 。
4. come down hard on 申斥;严厉处罚
If you don't work diligently, the boss will come down hard on you.
如果你不努力工作,老板就会找你算帐 。
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