Notre Dame, a medieval cathedral immortalised by Victor Hugo, Hollywood and innumerable tourist selfies, caught fire. More than 400 firefighters brought the blaze under control, but the roof is gone, and with it the spire. The interior damage is extensive, but many artefacts and relics, including a supposed part of Jesus’s crown of thorns, were saved. Emmanuel Macron, the French president, visited the site and vowed that the cathedral will be rebuilt. Two French billionaires pledged a total of 300m euros ($340m) towards that effort.

The Finns Party, an anti-immigrant outfit, won 17% of the vote in Finland’s election. Other parties do not want to work with it. The winning Social Democrats will try to form a government without it.
Britain pondered what to do with Julian Assange, a co-founder of WikiLeaks. America wants him extradited for conspiring to help a soldier hack a classified computer network, with the intention of publishing military secrets. Sweden may also want him: a woman who says he raped her has asked prosecutors to reopen the case. He also faces jail in Britain for jumping bail.
Nigel Farage, one of the prime movers behind Britain’s referendum on leaving the EU in 2016, launched a Brexit Party to fight next month’s European elections. Change UK, a group of Labour and Conservative defectors who are pushing for a second referendum in the hope of cancelling Brexit, received approval from the Electoral Commission to form a party.
奈杰尔`法拉奇(Nigel Farage)是2016年英国脱欧公投的主要推动者之一,他组建了一个脱欧政党,以争取下月的欧洲选举。由工党和保守党叛逃者组成的“改变英国”(Change UK)获得了选举委员会的批准,成立为政党。该政党正在推动第二次公投,希望取消英国脱欧。
The strongman gets stronger
Egypt’s parliament passed constitutional amendments that would allow President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi to rule until 2030. Mr Sisi, a former general, was re-elected in 2018 with 98% of the vote. Other changes would give the president control over judges and increase the army’s political power. The amendments will now be put to a referendum.
埃及议会通过宪法修正案,允许总统阿卜杜勒-法塔赫·塞西(Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi)执政至2030年。曾是将军的塞西在2018年以98%的选票再次当选。其他改革将赋予总统对法官的控制权,并增加军队的政治权力。该修正案现将进行全民公投。
The African Union threatened to suspend Sudan, following a military coup that deposed Omar al-Bashir, who had ruled for more than three decades. The AU gave the generals who now run the country 15 days to hand power to civilians.
Seven soldiers were killed in Chad in an attack on an army base by Boko Haram, a jihadist group that has displaced more than 2m people in neighbouring Nigeria.
No escape
Spain arrested Hugo Carvajal, a former head of Venezuela’s military intelligence service, after America asked for his extradition. He had defected and called on the army to stop supporting Venezuela’s dictator, Nicolás Maduro. His arrest on drug-trafficking charges may discourage other bigwigs from abandoning Mr Maduro, thus impeding America’s goal of removing him.
西班牙逮捕了前委内瑞拉军事情报部门负责人雨果·卡瓦贾尔(Hugo Carvajal),此前美国要求引渡他。已经叛逃的他呼吁军队停止支持委内瑞拉独裁者尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)。马杜罗因贩毒指控被捕,这可能会让其他“权贵”打消放马杜罗于不顾的念头,从而阻碍美国推翻马杜罗的目标。
The natural history museum in New York decided not to provide the venue for a gala honouring Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro. Environmentalists, outraged at his plan to open up Brazil’s rainforest to mining, had objected.
纽约自然历史博物馆决定不为巴西总统博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)的庆典提供场地。因其开放巴西热带雨林用于采矿而愤怒的环保人士表示反对。