1. at the end of the day 归根结底
At the end of the day, growth in cities, rather than being seen as a bad thing, is a necessary element of a vibrant economy.
归根结底,城市增长不仅不应被当做一件坏事,反而是经济有活力的一个必要组成部分 。
2. go to trial 被考验;审判
And this summer the Danziger Bridge incident, the most serious, is expected to go to trial.
今年夏天,后果最为严重的丹齐格桥事件预计也将进入审判流程 。
3. be sworn in to 宣誓就任
Later this week, Hamid Karzai will be sworn in to his second term as Afghan president.
本周晚些时候,阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊将宣誓连任 。
4. be confirmed by sb. as...经由……确认
It would be an ambassador-type position to be confirmed by the Senate, meaning the official could be called before Congress to testify.
它将是一个类似于大使、需经参议院确认的职位,这意味着担任此职的官员可能会被叫到国会作证 。
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