1. from the perspective of 从某人的角度
From the perspective of your life as a whole, write down one sentence that says what you want from next year.
从你的整个人生着眼,写下一句话,阐明你来年的愿望 。
2. make headline 登上头条新闻
These diseases do not travel internationally, threaten the health or economies of wealthy countries, or make headline news.
这些疾病不会跨越国界传播,不会威胁到富裕国家的健康或经济,也不会登上头条新闻 。
3. take responsibility for 为……负责
The extent to which you can achieve your dreams depends on the extent to which you take responsibility for your life.
你能多大程度地实现梦想取决于你能多大程度地为自己的人生负责 。
4. be designed to 旨在
This liquidity injection was designed to ensure that money markets continued to function and did not succumb to a credit freeze.
欧洲央行此次向市场注入流动性,目的是确保货币市场的正常运转,不会出现信贷冻结的情况 。
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