These are the Astrobees, currently there are three of them, named Honey, Queen and Bumble.
Two of them recently arrived in space and will soon be a part of the crew of the International Space Station.
So we have two robots Honey and Bumble are now on orbit and just last week we had our first checkout activity
where Ann Mclean, one of the astronauts on orbit, unpacked and turned on and checked out Bumble, so Bumble is alive and well.
They are taking over from the Spheres, which were an earlier form of robot helpers on the ISS.
The Astrobees have cameras and microphones on board and during the next few months
project manager Maria Bualat says they will be learning their way around the ISS.
We are going to calibrate the cameras on board and do a mapping activity
where the astronaut will manually fly the robot back and forth across the Japanese experiment model to collect imagery data,
which we will use to build a map of the JEM, the Japanese experiment module.
Once they have an internal map the Astrobees will be able to find their way around the ISS on their own and begin doing some heavy lifting.
We want to turn these into work horses. We want to free up astronaut time to let the crew do things that only humans can do.
And there is a saying in robotics in general, the three Ds, dirty, dangerous and dull,
right those are the things that you want a robot to do rather than have a human do.
The Astrobee also has a lot of room for experiments, and middle and high schoolers around the country
are already competing to get some of their experiments on board.
The Astrobees docking module has already been installed and the tiny indoor satellites
will begin making their first voyages sometime in June.
Kevin Enochs, VOA news