1. linked to 与……有关;插手;
It is often linked to feelings of self-hatred and depression and appears more common in women than men.
自残往往和自我厌恶、抑郁有关,而且女性自残比男性自残更为普遍 。
2. be convicted of 被判……
Mr Hu was convicted of trying to subvert state power, after taking up the causes of AIDS patients and the environment.
从事艾滋病人事业与保护环境后,胡先生被判以“煽动颠覆政权罪” 。
3. rise in rank 晋级;晋升
If the Boer doesn't signal hint, he can rise in rank smoothly.
如果波尔不示意,他就可以顺利晋级 。
4. in writing 书面的
Consultant will endeavor to notify Client in writing of any material change to its coverage as described herein.
如果上述保险范围发生任何实质性变化,顾问将尽力以书面形式通知客户 。
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