1. give sb. the benefit of the doubt 相信
He might be lying, but we have to give him the benefit of the doubt and accept what he says for now.
他是有可能在说谎,但我们必须相信他,暂时接受他所说的话 。
2. the body politic 全体人民
Whether the body politic will recognise it remains unclear.
目前尚不清楚,美国国民是否会承认这一点 。
3. rush into 冲进……
It is so brave of him to rush into the building to put out the fire with his own jacket.
他冲进大楼用自己的夹克衫把火扑灭了,真是太勇敢了 。
4. at all hours 不分昼夜地
Cook expects the executives who work closely with him to be on call at all hours.
库克希望和他联系密切的高管能在任何时候都电话在线 。
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