Well, what's it like to be this kind of creature? What's it like to be one of these brilliant butterflies who can test five hypotheses in two minutes?
Well, if you go back to those psychologists and philosophers, a lot of them have said that babies and young children were barely conscious if they were conscious at all.
And I think just the opposite is true. I think babies and children are actually more conscious than we are as adults.
Now here's what we know about how adult consciousness works. And adults' attention and consciousness look kind of like a spotlight.
So what happens for adults is we decide that something's relevant or important, we should pay attention to it.
Our consciousness of that thing that we're attending to becomes extremely bright and vivid, and everything else sort of goes dark.
And we even know something about the way the brain does this.
So what happens when we pay attention is that the prefrontal cortex, the sort of executive part of our brains,
sends a signal that makes a little part of our brain much more flexible, more plastic, better at learning, and shuts down activity in all the rest of our brains.
So we have a very focused, purpose-driven kind of attention.
If we look at babies and young children, we see something very different.
I think babies and young children seem to have more of a lantern of consciousness than a spotlight of consciousness.

So babies and young children are very bad at narrowing down to just one thing.
But they're very good at taking in lots of information from lots of different sources at once.
And if you actually look in their brains, you see that they're flooded with these neurotransmitters that are really good at inducing learning and plasticity, and the inhibitory parts haven't come on yet.
So when we say that babies and young children are bad at paying attention, what we really mean is that they're bad at not paying attention.
So they're bad at getting rid of all the interesting things that could tell them something and just looking at the thing that's important.
That's the kind of attention, the kind of consciousness, that we might expect from those butterflies who are designed to learn.