1. a bunch of 一堆;
The manager just handed off a bunch of her work to me, AGAIN!
2. keep sth. to oneself 保密
If you come clean about what happened, I will promise to keep it to myself.
发生了什么事你都告诉我,我保证不会对别人讲的 。
3. the old-boy network 关系网;同学网
He got his city job through the old-boy network.
他的工作是靠老同学找到的 。
4. born on third base 含着金钥匙出生却以为自己是自食其力的人
Donald Trump was born on third base. He did not hit a triple.
特朗普不过是含着金钥匙出生的罢了,他根本就不是靠自己打拼出来的 。
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