1. half kidding 半开玩笑地
"Friendship is a sacred thing, " said Kimmel, who looked like he was only half kidding), "and I believe Facebook is ruining it. "
“友谊是神圣的,”Kimmel半开玩笑的说,“我相信Facebook正在毁了它 。”
2. love interests 恋人;爱慕对象
But in Japan, Saint Valentine's Day is slightly different: The only ones doing the giving are females, and they usually send a gift of chocolates to their love interests.
但是日本的情人节有点不同:只女孩送礼物,而且她们通常会给她们的恋人送巧克力 。
3. over the top 过头的;夸张的
William got so excited when making his speech that he went completely over the top. He made some wild statements which were simply untrue.
演讲时威廉变得非常激动,致使他说话过了头,讲了些虚假的狂言 。
4. a roster of 一串;一系列
Provinces, including Fujian and Guangdong, are drawing up a roster of potential investment projects.
福建、广东等省市正在拟定一系列可能的投资项目 。
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